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14 Types Of Beads (For Braids)

Unique hard-to-find beads make any style stand-out. From different materials and styles to different shapes and colors, we hope our picks give you some creative ideas for your next set of braids.

1. Colorful Beads

Choosing a large pack of colorful beads allows so many options for patterns. You can do all of one color, alternate two different colors, or even do a random rainbow.

Diameter (inner hole size): 4mm

2. Wood Beads

Wood beads come in different colors including black, dark brown, light brown, and even white (which looks more like a cream). Despite being made of a strong natural fiber, wood beads are actually light and make a deeper sound compared to their plastic counterparts.

Diameter (inner hole size): 5mm

3. Jumbo Beads

Jumbo beads are designed for thicker hair and bigger braids. The hole is almost double the diameter of a small bead, but isn't twice as heavy.

Diameter (inner hole size): 9mm

4. Striped Beads

These adorable fashion beads are multi-colored and have two stripes running through them.

Diameter (inner hole size): 4mm

5. Two Tone Beads

Two tone beads are two colors (typically white and another color) blended to make a cool graphic design. We think they'd be cute with a denim outfit.

Diameter (inner hole size): 9mm

6. Clear Beads

Clear beads are a unique choice that go perfect with any style.

Diameter (inner hole size): 9mm

7. Barrel Beads

Barrel beads have an elongated tube shape. These ones are made of plastic, but hope to resemble wood.

Diameter (inner hole size): 6mm

8. Glow-in-the-Dark Beads

Who doesn't like glow-in-the-dark ? There are mixed reviews on whether these beads actually work. But if they do -- they're guaranteed to brighten your little one's day (pun intended).

Diameter (inner hole size): 3.8mm

9. Painted Wood Beads

These wooden beads have intricate designs painted on them. Some holes may have ragged edges inside that can damage the hair. Using a bead reamer can help open or clean up the hole.

Diameter (inner hole size): 5.3mm

10. Colored Wood Beads

Have you tried dyed wooden beads. This company has them in blue, green, pink, white, orange, and more. They're perfect for the eco-friendly mom who likes a pop of color.

Diameter (inner hole size): 5mm

11. Metallic Beads

Metallic bead colors include gold, brass, and silver. These shades can be great for matching metallic jewelry, clothes, or shoes.

Diameter (inner hole size): 4mm

12. Glitter Beads

Glitter beads have little speckles of glitter trapped inside.

Diameter (inner hole size): 4mm

13. Shaped Beads

This set of beads includes adorable heart and star shapes. You can choose to use only hearts, or a mix of hearts, stars, and round beads.

Diameter (inner hole size): 4mm

14. Letter Beads

Finally, there's letter beads. They're cubed shape with one letter per bead which allows you to spell full words. Maybe you want to fill your child's head with positive affirmations, like love, joy, and peace. The only issue is they have a super small diameter. The hole is the smallest out of our entire list (only 3.5mm versus the 4mm - 9mm for other beads).

In the end, beads are a beautiful way to accessorize any look. Please know local dollar stores, craft stores, or beauty supply stores may have better prices. When shopping in-person, make sure the beads are from a durable material, so that they do not easily break. And if you don't have access to a local store, or prefer the convenience of knowing what's in stock -- Amazon works just fine!

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