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What Experience Had The Biggest Impact On You Nursing Your Children Today?

It was a preschool experiment.

We dug two holes, buried a plastic bag in one, and a banana in the other. Then we marked the spots with popsicle sticks.

I do not know how much time passed, but we later went back to the soil and discovered the plastic bag was still there.

But the banana was partially gone.

It literally disappeared through the most magical process called decomposition.

Meaning, the banana returned to the soil (from whence it came), enriching Mama Earth with its nutrients and feeding little critters in the process.

That totally amazed my 4/5 year old brain.

It was a visual representation of how we are all connected. How the circle of life is the most efficient system, and we have a duty to respect its natural process.

From that moment forward, I knew I always wanted to honor and care for Mother Nature. I was super passionate about doing my part in leaving her better than we received her. I did not want my life to be a plastic bag -- an eye sore adding no value to this earthly journey we are on. I wanted to be an important contributor that organically elevates the very soil the next generation would feed from.

Which is why, I’m pretty meticulous about recycling.

And why, littering is one of my biggest pet peeves, alongside excessive consumerism.

Also why, I invested in Terracycle, a company on a mission to “eliminate the idea of waste.”

And ultimately why I nurse my children today.

I trust that we’ve naturally been blessed with ample resources to gently, lovingly, and sustainably nurture our children. And my contribution to this planet and posterity has been feeding all of our girls from the breast.

What experience had the biggest impact on you nursing your children today? Need to schedule a one-on-one? Use code: HEART2HEART.

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Until next time...

Love The Journey,

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