She loves throwing dirt in the air and getting it all in her hair. Here’s our 15 month old’s hair routine...
Her Texture
It’s fluffy, coily and super soft.
She let me style her hair a few times this month. So I parted it into 6 sections with our rat tail comb, tied with elastics and fingercoiled the ends. The coils help keep her strands protected and moisturized.
On days she doesn’t let me style her hair, she wears her twa (teeny weenie afro). This style requires daily maintenance or it will get dry and brittle. Her hair hasn’t broken off, it just feels really crunchy.
Wash Routine
Everyday I drench her hair in water, put a couple of pumps of conditioner and brush it through with our detangling brush.
I have to work quickly because she likes to grab the brush and/or comb. She also plays with the elastics and purposely moves her head so that I can’t style it. So I wouldn’t say her hair gets fully detangled, but I try my best.
I’ve also tried taking a bath with her and bathing her in our kitchen sink, hoping that she’d be more comfortable and sit longer. It doesn't work.
One of the hardest parts of parenting (in my opinion) is external pressures and criticism about your parenting practices.
I frequently remind myself of my mom mantra, which says “I’m a great mom because I listen to our children.” So although her hair is not styled, it is groomed, healthy, and she has a bunch of fun while I try to do it.
Her coils collect a ton of lint, and she doesn’t sit still long enough for me to remove it. So although her hair smells and feels good, it has sporadic white balls throughout.
What creative ways are you using to get your little one's hair done? Did you miss her earlier routines? Start here. Need to schedule a one-on-one? Use code: HEART2HEART.
Until next time...

Love The Journey,