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How Much Do Boston Families Spend On Groceries?

a bag full of groceries in front of a green door

According to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), Suffolk county families (which includes Boston) spent an average of $1,156.33 on groceries a month in 2023. Here's the breakdown:

Family Size

Food Spend

a grandparent and grandchild



a dad with two children smiling while laying on a bed looking up



a dad carrying a baby while dancing with his other two children



"family" written in the sand at a beach



a couple lovingly embracing each other outside



a dad wears a baby on his shoulder while the mom smiles close by



parents carry their children on their backs



a family of five sit on a couch and pose



a mom gently holds her newborns feet in her hands



p=parent, c=child; food spend per month

These numbers would probably be different depending on the ages of the children (and their appetite). EPI assumes that children ranged from 4 to 16 years old. They also utilized the "low-cost plan" from the USDA (US Department of Agriculture), "which assumes that almost all food is bought at a grocery store and then prepared at home." In other words, these families don't eat out or grow most of their own food.

In regards to family size, EPI included a single person with no children as a family, but we didn't include them (sorry!). We also realized that toiletries may not be considered a part of a grocery budget, even though they are often sold at grocery stores. Now that you have a better understanding of what is (and is not included in this data), do you think these numbers accurately represent your family's food budget?

Do You Spend More or Less Than The Average Household?

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