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Apple Camp 2023


Apple Camp

Ages 8-12

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Multiple days + times

1½ hour




Apple Camp is back for the summer!! Apple camp is a free in-person opportunity for young people to creatively practice tech skills. This year, Apple campers will brainstorm and create blueprints for neighborhood improvements. They'll use iPads and Apple Pencils to develop their ideas. As well as Keynote (Apple's presentation software) and Freeform (Apple's whiteboard software) to turn their ideas into trading card-style GIFs. Campers receive a Apple Camp T-shirt and certificate at the end.

How many sessions can you attend?

As many as you'd like! In fact Apple, encourages repeat visits which are offered in-person at different Apple locations. The more sessions campers attend, the more solutions they'll discover from different camper perspectives.

Do the project themes change?

New projects are introduced every year. Last year the kids created a comic book story to keep the planet safe.

The camp is only 90 minutes, is it worth it?

Absolutely! Campers create, build and invent solutions to real world problems in a very short time.

The sessions start with Apple staff introducing themselves, the project goals and how to use the devices and software. Then there's quite a bit of time for campers to get to work. The session ends with campers presenting what they've created.

Days after the camp, our girls continued to play around with the new tech skills they learned.

I have a 7 year old, do you think it's okay for them to attend?

Apple recommends campers be 8 to 12 years old. We brought our 6 year old not knowing the suggested ages. The class was simple enough for her to understand, while also introducing her to new skills. For example, she already knew how to access the camera and take pictures on her iPad, but the camp introduced her a new video editing software as well as showed her how to take high angle, low angle and eye-level shots. Concepts she could totally understand and happily replicate. She also has an iPad of her own, so she understood how to gently handle and be respectful of the store's device. I think the age recommendations are just guidelines to help families consider attention span and familiarity with the products and software.

The only thing we noticed was that the independent section of the camp (when campers got to work on their own projects) was a bit lengthy. At that time the camp was 2 hours instead of an hour and a half. It honestly was a bit long for our 9 year old too. They both completed their projects pretty quickly and wanted to share them with the group.

What do the adults do during the camp?

Adults are asked to remain in the store during the camp. Most browsed the store or read, played, and worked on their devices. I enjoyed watching the instructors and learning a new way to take full-advantage of my Apple devices. Plus the camper presentations at the end are pretty inspirational too!

How do you sign up?

You can register online here.

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