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24 Books Celebrating City Life

24 Books Celebrating City Life

You can borrow these books for FREE through the Boston Public Library (BPL) or preview them through our affiliate link on Amazon.

A Winter Walk in the City
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A winter counting book revealing the cultural diversity that makes up a city.

In The City

Fall Frolic in the City
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A counting book revealing the signs of fall -- like piles of leaves and baskets of apples.

In The City

Summer Stroll in the City
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A counting book revealing the signs of summer -- like splashing fountains and djembes drumming.

In The City

Spring Stroll in the City
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A counting book revealing the signs of spring - like flying kites and tulips.

In The City

The Easter Bunny Is Coming to Boston
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In The City

Jack and the Beanstalk (Penguin Bedtime Classics)
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An urban version of "Jack and the Beanstalk." Available for FREE on ComCat (Massachusetts Library Catalog).

In The City

Santa in the City
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Deja's friends try to convince her that there's no Santa -- and if he did exist he definitely wouldn't visit their city. Deja's mom assures her Santa is real and cleverly answers all her questions like where Santa parks his sleigh and how he gets in if there is no chimney. Favorite line, "magic always finds a way."

In The City

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