Frizz gets a bad rap. Not only is it gorgeous, it’s a super important characteristic of kinky, curly, and coily hair. Frizz happens when the hair shaft expands. We believe it’s opening itself up to take in all the information from baby’s environment.
When Does Baby's Hair Start To Frizz?
Around 3 months. That's when intermediate hair starts to form. You'll first notice it around baby's whorl (that adorable spiral in the middle of the back of their head). Within a few weeks it will be everywhere. While intermediate hair is the frizziest, it's also temporary.

When Is Baby's Frizzy Phase Over?
Every baby is different, but their terminal hair (which is the last hair texture phase) should be in by their second birthday. Terminal hair is still able to get frizzy, but you'll definitely be able to see more curl definition.
What Is The Least Frizziest Stage?
When baby is first born. Their tiny heads will be covered in vellus hair. This type of hair typically lays against baby's scalp. It may wave (or curl) a bit, but it frizzes the least.
Why Embrace Baby Frizz?
Frizz is a layer of protection that is super soft and naturally warms the scalp. Baby hair is also an extension of their nervous system. In other words, hair is their external nerves. Instead of going against nature we like to celebrate that it's serving a real purpose and helping our babies discover the world around them.
How To Take Care Of Frizz?
Keep it clean with a gentle cleanser. Fully saturate the hair with water and detangle with a light conditioner (if baby lets you).
How To Style Frizz?
Baby's frizziest stage happens to coincide with when they become mobile. This means that they may not stay still long enough for you to style it. But if you're up for a challenge (and end up winning the negotiation) comb coiling with baby elastics was one of our go-to styles. It combats frizz by keeping the hair in small sections. And when our daughter refused to let us near her head, we found a cute hat that we both loved.
In conclusion, frizzy hair may feel different, but it's not a reason to panic!! We support the stress-free approach -- allowing our baby's hair to roam free. By the time your little one turns two, it will be time for a new hair adventure!
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Love The Journey,