When you think of baby oil, you probably think of Johnson and Johnson's clear bottle with the pink label. But there are more options that (we think) are more nutritious. Here are some...
1. SheaMoisture's Baby Oil Rub
SheaMoisture's baby oil is a blend of chamomile oil, shea butter oil and argan oil. Its goal is to help baby sleep, relax baby's muscles, nourish, protect and seal in moisture.
Recommended Age: 6 months to 3 years
2. Burt's Bees Nourishing Baby Oil
Burt's Bees' baby oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. It has apricot oil and grapeseed oil, which work to keep baby's skin, soft, smooth, nourished and glowing.
Recommended Age: None
3. SheaMoisture Baby Nighttime Hair & Body Oil
SheaMoisture's newest baby oil is infused with plant-based oils like manuka honey and lavender. It's specifically designed for melanin-rich skin and textured hair.
Recommended Age: None
4. Earth Mama Calendula Baby Oil
Earth Mama is a 20+ year old company that uses certified organic ingredients. Their baby oil is a mixture of grape seed, calendula, and jojoba oil.
Recommended Age: None
5. NOW Solutions Liquid Coconut Oil
This oil isn't made specifically for babies, but it's the oil our family uses and loves. It's colorless and odorless, which makes it a great choice for those sensitive to smells. This oil has been fractionated, which means they took out some fat (nutrition) to make sure it stays liquid. This helps make pouring and applying the oil easier.
Recommended Age: None
6. Viva Naturals Organic Coconut Oil
This final oil is another family fave. It's cold-pressed, unrefined, pure coconut oil. It has all the yummy sweet smells of nature. Because it has all the healthy fats, you have to melt it in your hands before applying it. It does not come in a convenient applicator bottle, but we still think it's the best.
Recommended Age: None
What's The Main Difference Between These Baby Oils and Johnson & Johnson's Baby Oil?
Johnson & Johnson's oil has that signature baby scent that most are familiar with and love.
Are The Newest Additions To The Johnson & Johnson's Line More Nutritious?
Johnson & Johnson's has added a shea butter and cocoa butter version, an almond oil version and an aloe version to their line. But the main ingredient is still mineral oil.
While it may shine and help seal in moisture, mineral oil is still a less expensive oil with lower quality health benefits.
Popular uses for Johnson & Johnson oils range from make-up remover to muscle enhancements for body builders. I'm just not sure it's the most nutrient-dense option for newborns.
It's also important to note, the brands above purposely exclude it.
How To Use Baby Oil?
Most brands recommend applying oil after a shower on damp skin. That way it can more easily absorb into hair and/or skin.
What Is Baby Oil Great For?
Hair care, baby massage, nourishing and protecting the baby skin.

What Are Your Best Oil Tips?
You only need a little.
Our goal is to make sure you know you there are plenty of healthy options for your little one. We wish you luck in finding the oil that best fits your family's needs. And hope this brief list helps.
Until next time...
Love The Journey,