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What Do You Feed Your 5 Month Old Breastfed Child?

Her first tooth broke at 4 months, and she’s been eating solids ever since.

Here are her favorites...

Sweet Potato

1. Wash sweet potato

2. Rub with olive oil

3. Wrap in aluminum foil

4. Place in oven

5. Bake on 400 (40 minutes or until soft)

6. Let sweet potato cool

7. Unwrap from foil

8. Peel skin (it should slide right off)

9. Place in Nutribullet

10. Add a little filtered water and blend until desired texture

11. Serve warm


  1. Use peeler to take off apple skin

  2. Cut apple into slices

  3. Put apple in small pot

  4. Put enough cold water in pot to almost cover apple slices

  5. Put on medium heat and allow to boil

  6. Cook apples until they are soft

  7. Drain water from pot

  8. Put soft apples in NutriBullet

  9. Blend until smooth

  10. Serve warm


  1. Peel Banana

  2. Drop in NutriBullet

  3. Blend until smooth

  4. Serve at room temperature

Sometimes she tastes what I’m eating, like a green pea from my salad or a black bean off of my plate. I just make sure to mash it with my fingers before giving to her.

She still nurses throughout the night as well as before and after naps.

She eats 2 to 3 times a day and poops at least once a day.

Here are some tips I follow when it comes to feeding her …

Use Metal Utensils

I love baby metal spoons. Since metal absorbs the heat, it’s easier to tell if the food is too hot or just right.

Let Her Get Messy

I use a warm wash cloth to wipe her down after each feeding. If she gets too messy, I just change her clothes.

Store In Glass Jars

I store left overs in these little glass jars. While I typically make her food fresh every day, sometimes, she has left overs. After 24 hours, I discard what ever is left.

Use Grocery Delivery

I use Whole Foods at Amazon for the freshest ingredients. While Amazon Fresh and Amazon Pantry offer the same convenience, delivering groceries to our home, I find their food sometimes arrives damaged. For example, I found insects in a closed box of cornbread and a hole in a frozen pack of vegetables. Amazon always refunds me, but it’s not something I want to risk with our baby.

Why Did I Introduce Solids So Early?

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months old. Their reasoning is that, breastmilk provides the optimal nutrition for baby's overall "growth, health and development.

I completely agree and have met babies that exclusively breastfed until 1 years old and were completely happy.

My parenting style is trusting my children know their needs. So the moment she showed interest in table food, I gave it to her. At 5 months, she is also sitting on her own and has teeth.

That’s it. What are your 5 month old’s favorite foods?

Until next time.

Love Thyself,

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