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Craving Pink... Breastfeeding & Color Therapy

Chromopathy is a form of sensory therapy. It uses the power of color to energize, soothe and improve our overall health.

It’s an alternative healing method that replenishes energy lacking in our bodies.

“Chromo” means color, and “pathy” means treatment.

Before I even knew what color therapy was, I craved pink.

Craving Pink: Breastfeeding & Color Therapy

I unintentionally started to pay closer attention to the pink parts of my body - my lips, my hips, my tongue, my fingernails and especially my love tunnel.

I learned pink symbolizes affection, harmony, inner peace, connection, and love.

But What Does The Color Pink Have To Do With Breastfeeding?

Well, the breasts are located in front of the heart chakra, the powerhouse for love. Every time we nurse, we are literally pulling energy from the heart chakra in order to nourish, soothe and pour love into our children.

I’ve been breastfeeding for 7 years straight without replenishing my heart chakra, leaving me so depleted I literally felt like the walking dead. This forced me on a self-love journey, which included submitting to my pink cravings.

Consuming Pink

I accidentally discovered this pink smoothie and fell in love with the color, the taste, and how rejuvenated it made me feel.

This smoothie is ...

Craving Pink: Breastfeeding & Color Therapy

2 cups of ice

1 banana

1 beet (boiled, save the red liquid and consume later)

1 carrot (boiled)

1/2 cup vanilla yogurt

a pinch of cinnamon

More pink: watermelon, pomegranate, raspberries, and grapes.

Red foods are responsible for restoring the heart and cardiovascular health.

I used to crave a slew of unhealthy red foods including pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, basically anything savory that had marinara sauce on it. Our doctor reminded me that breastfeeding mothers need more nutrients not calories, so I’m happy to have discovered pink and red earth foods that replenish my heart and soul.

Wearing Pink

I sewed a long piece of pink fabric, which I’m currently using as a belly wrap and it will become our baby carrier when our bundle of joy arrives.

This belly wrap alleviates the pressure on my pelvic floor and thigh muscles making it easier for me to walk and move around during pregnancy.

As a baby wrap, it will allow our breastfed daughter to feel snug and secure by remaining attached to me.

And by literally wrapping myself in this pink fabric, I feel loved and supported.

Seeing Pink

I love producing pink content, so my Instagram page is full of pink and my logo has a pink heart.

Smelling Pink

At night, I run our humidifier with a few drops of grapefruit essential oil.

It allegedly enhances one’s mood, helps the mind and body relax, amongst many other benefits.

For me, I just love how it smells.

Don’t have essential oils?

Another way to smell pink is to identify pink flowers outside.

Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me with the different hues of pink and where we find them.

Getting out to smell the flowers is also excellent for ecotherapy.

Feeling Pink

Pink (to me) symbolizes love, wombmanhood, self-pleasure, pride, and confidence.

To feel pink, I enjoy making love to myself and feeling as beautiful as possible from the inside out.

Some of the ways I do this is by starting my day with gratitude, listening to uplifting music, reciting my mantras, wearing comfortable linens, and taking loving care of my natural accessories (skin, teeth, feet, and crown).

What about you? Have you noticed a color craving during your breastfeeding journey? Which color is it? How do you consume it? Need to schedule a one-on-one? Use code: HEART2HEART.

Until next time...

Love The Journey,

Thank you Wild Child for inspiring this post! More breastfeeding posts you may love...

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